*dans: The Kizil Grottoes 克孜爾千佛洞 2017
*dans: The Kizil Grottoes 克孜爾千佛洞 2017
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan 柯尔克孜族牧民與獵鷹
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan 柯尔克孜族牧民與獵鷹
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles 柯爾克孜少數民族與他們的獵鷹
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles on the horses 柯爾克孜族獵人和獵鷹
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan 柯尔克孜族牧民與獵鷹
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles on the horses
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles 柯爾克孜少數民族與他們的獵鷹
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagle 柯爾克孜族獵人和獵鷹
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles 柯爾克孜少數民族與他們的獵鷹
*dans: Reflection of the white Sand hill 白沙山 沙湖倒影
*dans: Reflection of the white Sand hill (B&W) 白沙山 沙湖倒影
*dans: water reflection of the White Sand Hill 白沙湖倒影
*dans: Reflection of the white Sand hill 白沙山 沙湖倒影
*dans: Reflection of the white Sand hill 布倫口沙湖 白沙山倒影
*dans: Reflection of the white Sand hill 布倫口沙湖 白沙山倒影
*dans: Id Kah Mosque ھېيتگاھ مەسچىتى 艾提尕爾清真寺
*dans: 老鐵匠 an old smithy in Kashgar town 2017
*dans: 老鐵匠 an old smithy in Kashgar town 2017
*dans: Kashgar old workshops and handicrafts street 新疆喀什職人街
*dans: 噶爾古城 開城儀式 opening ceremonies at old city
*dans: Euphrats Poplar forest in fall 輪台 胡楊林
*dans: Euphrats Poplar forest in fall 輪台 胡楊林
*dans: Euphrats Poplar forest in fall 輪台 胡楊林
*dans: 塔里木河邊的金色胡楊林 Golden Euphrates Poplar trees were shining the Tarim River
*dans: Autumn scenery of Luobu Village 羅布人村秋色
*dans: 新疆羅布人村 Autumn scenery of Luobu Village