*dans: National Day fireworks 2023 國慶焰火
*dans: National Day fireworks with drone show in Taichung
*dans: National Day fireworks with drone show in Taichung
*dans: 火樹銀花慶雙十
*dans: 火樹銀花慶雙十
*dans: National Day fireworks with drone show 2023
*dans: National Day fireworks with drone show in Taichung
*dans: National Day fireworks with drone show in Taichung
*dans: Taiwan's Thunder Tigers roar over Presidential Office 雷虎小組衝場
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets fly in formation
*dans: 空軍雷虎小組 飛越總統府上空
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: This year the annual display told the stories of Taiwan’s iconic female figures
*dans: This year the annual display told the stories of Taiwan’s iconic female figures
*dans: This year the annual display told the stories of Taiwan’s iconic female figures
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: The National Day light show at the Presidential Office is a tribute to Taiwanese women.
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: 雨中光雕展演,向母親臺灣致敬!
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets (Thunder Tigers) fly in formation
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets (Thunder Tigers) fly in formation
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets (Thunder Tigers) fly in formation
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets (Thunder Tigers) fly in formation
*dans: Six AIDC AT-3 jets (Thunder Tigers) fly in formation
*dans: 7307 Army CH-47 helicopter flying a large national flag
*dans: 7307 Army CH-47 helicopter flying a large national flag
*dans: 7307 Army CH-47 helicopter flying a large national flag
*dans: A flag-raising ceremony at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Square