*dans: a river in snow 雪裡川
*dans: 吐著濃濃黑煙的龐然巨獸 - 冬の湿原号 2018 The SL Fuyuno Shitsugen
*dans: 金色 雪裡川 a brilliant morning at Setsuri River
*dans: my photo exhibition 2018
*dans: Red-crowned Cranes 丹頂鶴 タンチョウ
*dans: golden Setsuri River 金色 雪裡川
*dans: 藻琴山 Mountain くっしゃろこ
*dans: The SL Fuyuno Shitsugen 冬の湿原号
*dans: Setsuri River 雪裡川 2020
*dans: imagine Taipei is falling snow 想像台北下雪了
*dans: dancing in the snow world 雪中起舞的 丹頂鶴 II
*dans: an aerial view of Lake Kussharo 屈斜路湖
*dans: The red-crowned crane family in Kushiro river
*dans: Shiretoko Peninsula and Mount Rausu 羅臼岳 らうすだけ
*dans: 雪裡川 Setsuri River