*dans: 南德科爾湖 Nundkol Lake (3505m height)
*dans: 南德科爾湖 Nundkol Lake (3505m height)
*dans: view of Gangabal twin lakes from Zajibal Pass (4,000m)
*dans: Satsar Camp site 薩特薩爾營區
*dans: the cavalry left Lake Krishansar and headed hard towards the Gadesa Pass...
*dans: a horse in our Vishansar campsite
*dans: take a rest by the creek pm 14:39
*dans: my horseman and his horse could move forward slowly finally pm 14:02
*dans: Returning climbers and leisurely wild horse
*dans: a big burst of rainbow betwixt the earth and heaven
*dans: a big burst of rainbow betwixt the earth and heaven
*dans: Cow and horses in Terelj National Park
*dans: Wild Horse in Terelj National Park
*dans: Wild Horses in Terelj National Park
*dans: Wild Horses in Terelj National Park
*dans: Mongolian horses
*dans: Mongolian horses
*dans: Horses in Mongolia
*dans: Horses in Gobi
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles on the horses 柯爾克孜族獵人和獵鷹
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan 柯尔克孜族牧民與獵鷹
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagles on the horses
*dans: With the Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan
*dans: Kyrgyz people and their hunting eagle 柯爾克孜族獵人和獵鷹
*dans: winter horse
*dans: 二浪河風景區
*dans: Zajibal Pass 扎吉巴爾隘口 (4,000m)