*dans: 觀音吐珠 Mount Guanyin
*dans: 觀音吐珠 Mount Guanyin
*dans: 觀音山 Mount Guanyin
*dans: 觀音山 Mount Guanyin
*dans: Hehuansan mountain 合歡山
*dans: 四姑娘山 Mt. Siguniangshan
*dans: Four Maiden's Mountain 四姑娘山
*dans: 合歡山 高山杜鵑 Hehuanshan Alpine Rhododendron in Full Bloom
*dans: 金翼白眉 玉山噪眉 Formosa Laughing Thrush on alpine rhododendrons
*dans: 合歡山 高山杜鵑 Hehuanshan Alpine Rhododendron in Full Bloom
*dans: 合歡山 Hehuanshan mt.
*dans: Hehuanshan Mt. at dawn 合歡山 東峰日出
*dans: 合歡山 高山杜鵑 Hehuanshan Alpine Rhododendron in Full Bloom
*dans: 加德薩隘口 Gadsar Pass 4200m
*dans: the spectacular view of Gadsar valley
*dans: Kashmir's past and present