*dans: 空中田园 A paddy field in the air
*dans: 迷失在阿凡達星球 Lost in Avatar world ?
*dans: foreign backpackers in "Avatar" 國際背包客
*dans: 武士馴馬 a Chinese Calligraphy Painter at view point: "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 view point: "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬全景 "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 view point: "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 view point: "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 武士馴馬 view point: "Warrior Taming Horse"
*dans: 點將台 "Arranging Battles Platform"
*dans: <Arranging Battles Platform> view point 點將台
*dans: 大觀台日出 sunrise in Daguantai
*dans: 清早 在沱江邊捕撈小蝦的婦人 A lady catched little river shrimps in the morning
*dans: 常見的小黃花
*dans: 難得看見的馬
*dans: 早岗苗寨 Miao ethnicity
*dans: 早岗苗寨 Miao ethnicity
*dans: 常見的小白花
*dans: Little kid of Miao ethnicity 苗族小孩子
*dans: 湘西苗寨 农家饭 風味午餐 2013 eat all you can in Miao ethnicity
*dans: 早岗苗寨 Miao ethnicity
*dans: 從山坡路進入早岗苗寨
*dans: 苗族小朋友唱山歌來討賞 kids of Miao ethnicity welcome visitors with songs to earn some tips.
*dans: 苗族小朋友唱山歌來討賞 kids of Miao ethnicity welcome visitors with songs to earn some tips.
*dans: 出苗王洞後再搭船進苗寨
*dans: 出苗王洞後再搭船進苗寨
*dans: 苗王洞出口的牌樓
*dans: 苗王洞