*dans: get snack at time out 小夜鷺的中場時間
*dans: birds talk 鳥語
*dans: Birds on a morning tree●鳥餐廳●台北賞鳥趣
*dans: 鵲鴝
*dans: 虎鶇
*dans: 鵲鴝
*dans: 五色鳥 Muller's Barbet
*dans: 白頭翁 chinese bulbul
*dans: 白頭翁 chinese bulbul
*dans: 黑枕藍鶲
*dans: 白腰鵲鴝
*dans: 翠鳥 Common Kingfisher
*dans: 夜鷺 Night Heron
*dans: 殘荷 faded lotus leaves in winter
*dans: 小綠迎春 2013 little white-eye
*dans: 小綠賞櫻 2013 little white-eye
*dans: 小綠賞櫻 2013 little white-eye
*dans: 小綠迎春 2013 little white-eye
*dans: 小白佳偶 couple
*dans: 慈鳥心 the nest
*dans: sunshade for mother Egret 為你遮陽擋雨
*dans: A proud father 快樂的父親
*dans: the babes just born 破殼出生
*dans: Happy couple 夫唱婦隨
*dans: eye 靈魂之窗
*dans: 2nd day 生日第二天
*dans: mother bird 母鳥
*dans: mother bird 母鳥
*dans: mother bird 母鳥
*dans: couple