*dans: to watch tropical storm passing thru the bottom of Beidawu Mt. 2015 站在北大武山看熱帶風雨中的高雄屏東地區,
*dans: 苦花魚的家 (坪林護魚策略收到成效) the home of small fish in a wild creek
*dans: Lights out on Taipei 101 Building as Earth Hour kicks off 台北101響應「地球一小時」活動
*dans: Laomei Green Spurs and Grooves 2015 老梅綠石槽
*dans: 醜小鴨天堂 明池 swan's heaven
*dans: 消失中的淨土-清境 disappearing land - Qingjing
*dans: 為北極發聲 Save the Arctic..
*dans: tofu rocks 2012 豆腐岩
*dans: tofu rocks in dying 2012 垂死的豆腐岩
*dans: Green Algal Reef in Laomei 老梅綠色石槽
*dans: Tears of the green earth 地球的眼淚
*dans: Tears of the green earth 地球的眼淚
*dans: Tears of the green earth 地球的眼淚
*dans: Tears of the green earth 地球的眼淚
*dans: Birds on a morning tree●鳥餐廳●台北賞鳥趣
*dans: tree fern 蕨類公寓
*dans: 野溪 wild creek
*dans: 野溪 wild creek
*dans: 野溪觀魚 fish in wild creek
*dans: 野溪 wild creek
*dans: 歲月 old tree
*dans: Common Water Hyacinth 布袋蓮
*dans: back home 苦花返家
*dans: Neidong waterfalls 2010 內洞瀑布
*dans: jump up to home 力爭上游
*dans: Autumn 2009 去年秋天