*dans: after the vote...
*dans: after the vote...
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與名嘴對談
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與名嘴對談
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明和楊憲宏
*dans: Shih Ming-te and Yok Mu-ming
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與名嘴對談
*dans: Shih Ming-te and Yok Mu-ming
*dans: Shih Ming-te and Yok Mu-ming
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與名嘴對談
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與新黨
*dans: to whom would you vote tomorrow?
*dans: Shih Ming-te 施明德
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明
*dans: Mr. and Mrs. Yao 姚教授賢伉儷
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明與名嘴對談
*dans: Yao Li-ming 姚立明,政治變形蟲?
*dans: Home party 紅黨, is Reds on the road?
*dans: Yao Li-ming's forum open again 2007