*dans: stone lion in cemetery 墓園裡的石獅
*dans: stone lion in cemetery 墓園裡的石獅
*dans: stone lion in Chao-Tian Temple 朝天宮石獅
*dans: Taipei Dragon Boat Festival 2010 台北龍舟賽
*dans: stone lion on Stone-candle bridge 石燭橋的石獅
*dans: bird on a stone lion 石獅與白頭翁
*dans: a stone carving at the Ming Tomb
*dans: a stone carved dragon at Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty Scenic Spot 石螭
*dans: Windlion in the fog
*dans: Windlion 風獅爺
*dans: Windlion God 風師爺
*dans: Windlion 風獅爺
*dans: a stone carved lion in Kinmen 金門石獅
*dans: stone lion with a soccer ball
*dans: alone