*dans: Typhoon eve in Taipei time-lapse video 2012 台北颱風天-縮時影片
*dans: twilight before typhoon Tembin returns 2012 暮光之城 (沈浸在天秤颱風前夕晚霞的台北城)
*dans: 海葵 颱風後的台北傍晚 Taipei clouds after Typhoon HAIKUI.
*dans: 海葵 颱風後的台北傍晚 Taipei clouds after Typhoon HAIKUI.
*dans: 虎山風雲 2012 Typhoon SAOLA is coming to Taiwan
*dans: 虎山風雲 2012 Typhoon SAOLA is coming to Taiwan (purple tone)
*dans: Rainbow at the eve of twin typhoon coming 2012 双颱前夕天邊的彩虹
*dans: Rainbow at the eve of twin typhoon coming 2012 双颱前夕天邊的彩虹
*dans: Rainbow at the eve of twin typhoon coming 2012 双颱前夕天邊的彩虹
*dans: Rainbow at the eve of twin typhoon coming 2012 双颱前夕天邊的彩虹
*dans: DO NOT PARK HERE 緊走,颱風來了!
*dans: 緊走,颱風來了! DO NOT PARK HERE
*dans: Museum and sunset clouds in the eve of Typhoon NANMADOL 南瑪都颱風前夕的蘭陽博物館
*dans: 颱風前夕烏石港彩虹 rainbow at the eve of Typhoon
*dans: 颱風前夕烏石港彩虹 rainbow at the eve of Typhoon
*dans: 一家人 烏石港看海看彩虹 A family
*dans: 一家人 烏石港看海看彩虹 A family
*dans: 一家人 烏石港看海看彩虹 A family
*dans: sunset clouds in JiouFen village before typhoon AERE 2011 艾利颱風前夕的九份山城
*dans: typhoon FANAPI 颱風凡那比下的台北黃昏
*dans: typhoon FANAPI 颱風凡那比下的台北黃昏
*dans: typhoon LINFA phenomenon 蓮花彩雲
*dans: typhoon LINFA phenomenon 蓮花彩雲
*dans: typhoon LINFA phenomenon 蓮花彩雲
*dans: typhoon LINFA phenomenon 蓮花彩雲
*dans: Taipei view before typhoon JANGMI approaches
*dans: Taipei view before typhoon JANGMI approaches 薔蜜晚霞
*dans: Taipei view before typhoon JANGMI approaches 薔蜜晚霞
*dans: view Taipei night before typhoon HAGUPIT approaches
*dans: sunset glow of HAGUPIT 彩霞滿天