*dans: the White Rose Movement Taiwan 白玫瑰運動
*dans: the White Rose Movement Taiwan 白玫瑰運動
*dans: the White Rose Movement Taiwan 白玫瑰運動
*dans: we want fair tax law
*dans: Taiwan national debt exceeded NT13,800,000,000,000
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm16:00:49
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm15:33:15
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm15:23:18
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm15:20:31
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm15:00:24
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm14:56:20
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm14:42:56
*dans: the youth strive for people with Hansen's disease, 2007/6/5 pm14:41:05
*dans: NO nuke demonstration 蘭嶼青年 311反核廢遊行
*dans: NO nuke demonstration 蘭嶼青年 311反核廢遊行
*dans: NO nuke demonstration from Lanyu to Taipei 反核廢救蘭嶼
*dans: NO nuke demonstration from Lanyu to Taipei 反核廢救蘭嶼
*dans: NO nuke demonstration from Lanyu to Taipei 反核廢救蘭嶼
*dans: NO nuke demonstration from Lanyu to Taipei 還我淨土
*dans: NO nuke demonstration from Lanyu to Taipei 反核廢救蘭嶼
*dans: 劉黎兒
*dans: 311反核廢大遊行 Nuclear go zerO
*dans: 311反核廢大遊行●巴奈●Nuclear go zerO
*dans: "Defend the Diaoyutais" 2012 保釣運動
*dans: "Defend the Diaoyutais" 2012 保釣運動
*dans: "Defend the Diaoyutais" 2012 保釣運動
*dans: "Defend the Diaoyutais" 2012 保釣運動
*dans: "Defend the Diaoyutais" 2012 保釣運動
*dans: 保釣遊行 2012 Defend the Diaoyutais
*dans: NO NUKES demo 2013 反核大遊行