vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: Leslee
vlexmater: getting too anxious
vlexmater: getting ready
vlexmater: the limo
vlexmater: a poise
vlexmater: too excited
vlexmater: kristen and her roses
vlexmater: letting go of a daughter
vlexmater: receiving the bride
vlexmater: standing before her
vlexmater: the groom and groomsmen
vlexmater: happily married
vlexmater: laughing together
vlexmater: the rings
vlexmater: the bride
vlexmater: two and two
vlexmater: the cake
vlexmater: the first dance
vlexmater: happily situated
vlexmater: laughing
vlexmater: enjoying the cake
vlexmater: getting some campagne