Danny Beattie: My, what a big head you have
Danny Beattie: How much longer have I got to sit here for-
Danny Beattie: 14/52 - Blinkers
Danny Beattie: 13/52 - Metalopolis
Danny Beattie: Georgie in da' hood
Danny Beattie: 12/52 - The saddest dog in the world
Danny Beattie: 11/52 - Doggy self restraint
Danny Beattie: The Boxer
Danny Beattie: George does Pennington Flash - 10/52
Danny Beattie: "So you want me to pose like this?" - 8/52
Danny Beattie: The poser - 2/52
Danny Beattie: So it begins - 1/52
Danny Beattie: Budget Cuts
Danny Beattie: 16/52 - The poser v2
Danny Beattie: Not that camera AGAIN
Danny Beattie: 14 treats later...
Danny Beattie: George looking regal
Danny Beattie: Making the world my studio
Danny Beattie: Air time
Danny Beattie: This is the look I give when you should feel sorry for me
Danny Beattie: Hiding in the bed-