Danny Roberts: Finished the hair. Now need to finish the lighting, the skin tone and backdrop...
Danny Roberts: The lace is starting to come around :)
Danny Roberts: Adding some color to the hair
Danny Roberts: Starting to get te base layers of skin tone
Danny Roberts: Layering some payne's grey in there :)
Danny Roberts: Finished the second layer of the background wash :)
Danny Roberts: Hanging out with a little panda...
Danny Roberts: When I was younger I could grow a pretty good mustache.
Danny Roberts: Hahahah this picture is trippy
Danny Roberts: You should be living by Mr. @jasonmarkjones
Danny Roberts: Hard at work... Legos are no laughing matter.
Danny Roberts: Little motion study I did...
Danny Roberts: A little sneak peek of tonights post :)
Danny Roberts: A portrait I did of my dad. It currently lives in my room
Danny Roberts: There is something magical and beautiful about used paint palettes!
Danny Roberts: Ready to set sail!
Danny Roberts: Looks like my cover for Riviera is out!
Danny Roberts: Family portrait: Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and a parent :)
Danny Roberts: The beginning outline of this years valentine :)
Danny Roberts: Getting ready to see my friend @stacyking88 preform! So excited :)
Danny Roberts: Two of my old time favorites
Danny Roberts: Got a visit My tokyo friend Mai!
Danny Roberts: Just finished watching Rudy with my fam! I love that movie!
Danny Roberts: Team animal hats!
Danny Roberts: Finally finished updating the Polaroid wall! :)
Danny Roberts: Time to start our annual family tradition!
Danny Roberts: Finally a much needed hair cut! Woot woot
Danny Roberts: Check out Sophie (ward) koren's ring!
Danny Roberts: Hanging with Sophie and my fam before the kin concert!
Danny Roberts: Alice busting out the fish hat