Danny Levy Sheehan: Hole dug out
Danny Levy Sheehan: Stone wall built & rock foundation set in concrete
Danny Levy Sheehan: Rock foundation & concrete setting
Danny Levy Sheehan: Brick retaining wall built
Danny Levy Sheehan: Brick retaining wall
Danny Levy Sheehan: Damp proof & extra brick layer for height
Danny Levy Sheehan: Damp proof & brick layer
Danny Levy Sheehan: Cooking surface set in 6" vermiculiate concrete & Fire clay
Danny Levy Sheehan: Cooking surface set on dry fire clay & set with fire mortar at edges
Danny Levy Sheehan: Flat & level cooking surface
Danny Levy Sheehan: Angle iron supporting top of entrance & forming reveal for air tight seal with door
Danny Levy Sheehan: First 3 brick chains of dome
Danny Levy Sheehan: Dome taking shape
Danny Levy Sheehan: Front view, 3 chains in dome
Danny Levy Sheehan: 5th chain, over door arch
Danny Levy Sheehan: Angle iron supports door arch & 5th dome chain
Danny Levy Sheehan: Key stone going in
Danny Levy Sheehan: Vermiculite layer approved by Lizzie
Danny Levy Sheehan: 4-5" layer of vermiculite pressed on in handfuls
Danny Levy Sheehan: Drains setting
Danny Levy Sheehan: Drains inspected & approved
Danny Levy Sheehan: Oven covered in mortar (with plasticiser) & surfaces made for rain to run off
Danny Levy Sheehan: Surfaces setting