nessie420: at my place at 4am
nessie420: frank before the departure
nessie420: first pit stop
nessie420: entering france at sunrise
nessie420: dä dääää
nessie420: frank crusing
nessie420: setting up the tent
nessie420: preparing the first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our first bbq
nessie420: our fridge
nessie420: what we lived on for 2weeks
nessie420: poker night
nessie420: poker night
nessie420: frank returning from a surf
nessie420: way to the beach
nessie420: loop and anna returning from a surf
nessie420: dana and romedi
nessie420: claudio, claudi, chrigl
nessie420: beach at la tresor
nessie420: beach panorama shot
nessie420: info sign
nessie420: way down to the beach
nessie420: path from beach to the camping
nessie420: phone booth