twentyfive: First night out
twentyfive: Sleeper
twentyfive: Wrapped in the Katan
twentyfive: Who wha?
twentyfive: Wes with IV
twentyfive: Wes in his crib in the NICU
twentyfive: Passed out
twentyfive: Hmmmmmmm
twentyfive: Nursing
twentyfive: Connected
twentyfive: Ultrasound
twentyfive: Chillin' at the NICU
twentyfive: Mom checks on Wes
twentyfive: Glowing Foot
twentyfive: Leaving NICU
twentyfive: Happy
twentyfive: Wes and Dan Sleeping
twentyfive: Father/Son
twentyfive: Dad and his t-shirts
twentyfive: PICC Line
twentyfive: Out with Mommy
twentyfive: First Bath
twentyfive: Asleep with Daddy
twentyfive: Chins
twentyfive: Stretched Out Baby
twentyfive: Wrinkly Fingers
twentyfive: Dimples
twentyfive: Durggurr