danm_cool: Lima by night
danm_cool: Lima bus driver
danm_cool: Old car delivering
danm_cool: Chatters
danm_cool: Lima historical center
danm_cool: Lima wooden cathedral
danm_cool: The prayer
danm_cool: Women resting
danm_cool: Peruvian bar
danm_cool: Birds
danm_cool: Peruvian mask
danm_cool: Fresh drinks seller
danm_cool: Cliff kiss
danm_cool: Roof with vultures
danm_cool: The beetle
danm_cool: Fruit boy
danm_cool: Peruvian loaded car
danm_cool: DSC_1635
danm_cool: Little llama
danm_cool: Llama sheperd
danm_cool: Peruvian sheperdess
danm_cool: Peasant resting
danm_cool: Village celebration
danm_cool: DSC_1622
danm_cool: Peruvian kids
danm_cool: Peasant boy with llama
danm_cool: DSC_1681
danm_cool: Condor
danm_cool: Condor
danm_cool: Port of Puno