danlane: Sega Table - New Buttons
danlane: Sega Table - New Buttons
danlane: Sega Table - New Buttons
danlane: Naya makes sure nobody cheats at the late night Dan vs Jenn Neo Geo golf tournament :D
danlane: I made this... Any guesses as to it's use?
danlane: Arcade room
danlane: IMG_1182
danlane: Getting my babies out of storage :D
danlane: Winnah!!!
danlane: Gah no matter how hard I try I cannot beat @tarahprice's Puzzle Bobble high score :(
danlane: Just trying out instagram... Photo from last night :)
danlane: Closeup!
danlane: ... It was one of THOSE. of course ;)
danlane: Hmm what could this be? Any guesses?
danlane: Keep your Call of Duty: Black Ops.... I've got Purogia no Arashi to play :D
danlane: Playing some Marvel Vs Capcom
danlane: A game in which blocks fall and a winner is seemingly chosen at random (the instructions are in Japanese)
danlane: Say hello to my little Japanese friend :)
danlane: Speaking of things that look dodgy, this arrived today too... Any guesses?
danlane: Metal Slug 3 final boss
danlane: My favourite game in an original Neo Geo cabinet in my home... This = win!
danlane: Just stripped down this massive neo geo 6 slot motherboard to replace the bios... Forgot to take pics due to concentration :(
danlane: This has something to do with my new hobby... Any guesses?