danlane: Cab ride from the airport
danlane: Cab ride from the airport
danlane: Downtown SF please
danlane: Cab ride from the airport
danlane: Cab ride from the airport
danlane: The Hotel Vertigo
danlane: Some street in downtown SF
danlane: Rocketspace reception
danlane: Rocketspace reception
danlane: Rocketspace desks
danlane: Could these be our desks?
danlane: Concrete stairs at Rocketspace
danlane: Concrete stairs at Rocketspace
danlane: Lift buttons
danlane: Well stocked fridge!
danlane: Kitchen
danlane: Is this the Bababoo bit?
danlane: Tony Million on the BART station
danlane: Fruitvale!
danlane: The BART station
danlane: Walking home: Did you know that 80% of the world's chrome is actually on American fire trucks?
danlane: Walking home: Quintessentially American?