DEJP: Somersaults by Kate
DEJP: Pools at night
DEJP: Kate on apartment balcony
DEJP: Bedroom suite
DEJP: David and Margaret at Barefoot
DEJP: Waiting for steak
DEJP: Swans created by our butler
DEJP: Rearranged swans
DEJP: Dan being silly
DEJP: A shoal, wow. Not many fish here.
DEJP: The cannon, Negril Jamaica
DEJP: Look at that fisssssshhhhhh
DEJP: Kate with the anchor, Negril Jamaica
DEJP: Starfish
DEJP: Purple fan coral
DEJP: Spear fisher man
DEJP: Dan at 5 metres down
DEJP: Urchin and orange fish
DEJP: Large ray swimming off into distance
DEJP: IMG_0724
DEJP: DanDan
DEJP: Fan coral
DEJP: Dan surfaces
DEJP: Yeahhh mannnn
DEJP: Dan handstands whilst snorkelling
DEJP: One handed handstand by Kate
DEJP: Kate enjoying herself
DEJP: Resort
DEJP: Watching rain come down on deserted beach
DEJP: Beach getting washed away