DEJP: Pericles asleep
DEJP: New citrus tree
DEJP: Pericles on the prowl
DEJP: The green tree with blue lights in the back garden
DEJP: Living room (note the booze cabinet!)
DEJP: Snow in SW11
DEJP: Pericles
DEJP: Kate's mobile
DEJP: IMG_0079
DEJP: Windmills
DEJP: Lovely white flowers
DEJP: New plants
DEJP: Pericles on his lounger
DEJP: Pericles and his ball
DEJP: Kate's sweetpeas
DEJP: Decorating the kitchen
DEJP: Philly goes up
DEJP: Getting ready for wallpaper
DEJP: Do I replace the rad?
DEJP: Starting the stairs
DEJP: Stupid moggy
DEJP: Kate's mother on the doors
DEJP: First strip of Summer Palace
DEJP: Pericles appears over the fence
DEJP: Pericles relaxes with Kate
DEJP: Kate gets blown away
DEJP: Snow begins to fall.
DEJP: Pericles meet snow
DEJP: Starting to settle
DEJP: Pre superbowl snow