danifeb: Alta Marea - Hight Tide
danifeb: Bassa Marea - Low Tide
danifeb: Faro - Lighthouse
danifeb: DoF
danifeb: Cartello - Sign
danifeb: Barry Island
danifeb: Arte - Art
danifeb: Facce - Smiles
danifeb: Pescatori - Fishermans
danifeb: The Knap
danifeb: Soggetti controluce - Subjects in backlight
danifeb: Marina di Barry - Barry's Marina
danifeb: Stazione di Barry Island - Barry Island's Train Station
danifeb: Bus Stop
danifeb: Mischia - Scrum
danifeb: Azione - Action
danifeb: Presa - Grab
danifeb: Converse tra l'erba - Converse in the lawn
danifeb: Passeggiata - Walking
danifeb: Finestra - Window
danifeb: Ruota di mulino - Mill wheel
danifeb: Segnaletica - Signage
danifeb: Windy and Cold