Daniesq: Harris White of Already Gone, an Eagles tribute band
Daniesq: Black Dog, FBI, Jan. 14, 2007
Daniesq: Harris White, Abbey Rode, a Beatles tribute band
Daniesq: Harris White (l) and Jay Bourgeois (r), Abbey Rode
Daniesq: Jay of Abbey Rode
Daniesq: Already Gone, an Eagles tribute band
Daniesq: Jay (l) and Clint (r) of Abbey Rode, a Beatles tribute band
Daniesq: Assylim
Daniesq: Already Gone & Myrna Sanders of Kozmic Pearl
Daniesq: Frontline of Already Gone
Daniesq: Jay and Clint S. of Already Gone
Daniesq: Harris White of Already Gone
Daniesq: Bill Thompson, Abbey Rode
Daniesq: Harris White, Abbey Rode
Daniesq: Jay Bourgeois, Abbey Rode
Daniesq: Jesse's Girl
Daniesq: Lee & Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Lee & Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Tim & Lee, Wolfe Blitzer
Daniesq: Angel & Billy, Shining Force
Daniesq: Bassist for Abbey Rode
Daniesq: IMG_6675
Daniesq: Stride opening for Bon Jovi at the Toyota Center