DWDP: Sunrise in Toscana
DWDP: Sunrise in Chianti
DWDP: Sunrise
DWDP: Foggy sunrise in the Chianti hills
DWDP: Chianti sunrise
DWDP: Fisherman boat in a sunrise
DWDP: After the storm
DWDP: Sunset with calm sea
DWDP: Calm sea at night
DWDP: Shooting at the sunset
DWDP: Sunrise at Scoglio d'Ogliastra
DWDP: Sun at sea
DWDP: Sunset looking toward Elba from highway
DWDP: Sailing in the sunrise
DWDP: Saling in the sunrise 2
DWDP: Calm sunset in Porto Palma
DWDP: Rainy sunrise1
DWDP: Rainy sunrise3
DWDP: Rainy sunrise2
DWDP: Sunset at Palmaria and Tino islands
DWDP: Winter Sunrise in Chianti
DWDP: Sunrise in Chianti
DWDP: Sailing at sunrise
DWDP: Sun ball
DWDP: Fisherman at sunrise
DWDP: Foggy sunrise
DWDP: Mimosas in the sunset
DWDP: Sunrise in Toscana
DWDP: Sunrise over Florence
DWDP: Sunset over Punta Bianca