daniel virella: mud decoration on the wall
daniel virella: mud decoration on the wall
daniel virella: under a lead sky, the almond tree blossoms
daniel virella: mud decoration on the wall
daniel virella: ksar in the oasis of Skoura
daniel virella: ksar in the oasis of Skoura
daniel virella: mud decoration
daniel virella: ksar in the oasis of Skoura
daniel virella: partial view of the oais of Skoura
daniel virella: ancient kasbah in the Valley of Asif M'Goun
daniel virella: ancient kasbah in the Valley of Asif M'Goun
daniel virella: ksar over the Dadès
daniel virella: oasis with its kasbah
daniel virella: ancient palatial ksar
daniel virella: magnificent (ruinous) ksar
daniel virella: almond blossoms
daniel virella: Toudra Valley
daniel virella: Toudra oasis in Tinerhir
daniel virella: detail of the towers of Tinerhir castle
daniel virella: patio of the ruined castle of Tinerhir
daniel virella: ruined window
daniel virella: ghost palace
daniel virella: ksar decoration
daniel virella: peasants and ksour in an oasis
daniel virella: Oasis of Rissani
daniel virella: decorative detail of ruined ksar
daniel virella: ruined kasbah
daniel virella: detail of the decoration of a ksar tower
daniel virella: ruined kasbah