Daniel Polidori: SW Waterfront skyline through the trees
Daniel Polidori: Power Station
Daniel Polidori: Looks private, but Im driving in their backyard
Daniel Polidori: West waterfront from the Ross Island Bridge
Daniel Polidori: Catching the bus
Daniel Polidori: Portland way of life
Daniel Polidori: Roach Coach
Daniel Polidori: There's a stranger taking your picture to your left!
Daniel Polidori: Walking from Safeway
Daniel Polidori: Great food BTW
Daniel Polidori: It's 2011 people....
Daniel Polidori: I see dead people
Daniel Polidori: A Matress with two sides?? WTF?
Daniel Polidori: Foster Rd
Daniel Polidori: Teamwork
Daniel Polidori: My neighbors decrepit barn