daniel_littlewood: Respite at the camp
daniel_littlewood: Scanning the horizons
daniel_littlewood: Going vertical
daniel_littlewood: Worth the walk
daniel_littlewood: Hanging Gardens
daniel_littlewood: Jesse gets high
daniel_littlewood: Lakeside seating
daniel_littlewood: Always heads downhill
daniel_littlewood: Cold water
daniel_littlewood: High and mighty
daniel_littlewood: Jesse at the PCT
daniel_littlewood: Rushing river (well, creek)
daniel_littlewood: Wood nymphs
daniel_littlewood: Pops of color
daniel_littlewood: Goat Lake in colors
daniel_littlewood: There were mountain goats up there
daniel_littlewood: Cold water, hot fellas
daniel_littlewood: Mt. Rainer seen from Hawkeye Point
daniel_littlewood: Shimmering