daniel.lih.photography: Metamorphosis
daniel.lih.photography: Cut Hydrangea
daniel.lih.photography: Close up of hydrangea
daniel.lih.photography: Hydrangea macrophylla
daniel.lih.photography: Hydrangea macrophylla 2
daniel.lih.photography: Purple Calla Lily
daniel.lih.photography: Single cut flower
daniel.lih.photography: Stamen and Pistil
daniel.lih.photography: California Poppy
daniel.lih.photography: Close up of California Poppy
daniel.lih.photography: Fresh from the bud
daniel.lih.photography: String of white bells
daniel.lih.photography: Lily of the Valley 2
daniel.lih.photography: Lily of the Valley
daniel.lih.photography: Close up of Lily of the Valley
daniel.lih.photography: Persian Pearl Wild Tulip
daniel.lih.photography: Muscari latifolium
daniel.lih.photography: Grape Hyacinth