Did you get your burn bro? I'm especially impressed with my sweat today. Had the treadmill up to 8 incline at 3.8mph phew! #fitspo
My bingo wing is getting a lil bump! 73min-685cal #fitness #fitspo #weightloss
I find this shirt hilarious ^___^
Phew! We're pooped! #spiritpokemon #fitspo
I lost 4.4lbs this week, I was really surprised because I was expecting a lot more, I feel smaller! So she measured my waist (around my belly button?) and I lost 4 inches D: crazy, I get to eat more food now...well more of a variety, it's so strange to ea
I will look so delicious at 170! Lol i love that body fluid is underlined ....
Down 2 pounds!! This is exactly what I needed, I was so down yesterday. It was a struggle to maintain a positive outlook and continue prepping veggies ect. Instead of laying on the floor and crying. I tracked almost everyday this week, I binged twice whic
Not the best week but also better than nothing, I weigh tomorrow. **got my blood results back and I'm totally normal which is a relief but also frustrating. I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing though ^___^ #fitspo
Quick workout before we go, on our way to wash an elephant, play with a capuchin monkey and a lynx !!! #fitspo
I've lost 0 since The new year, even though the quality of food I eat is so much better I still don't have the quantity under control. This week I vow to track every single thing I eat and stick to my points. We'll see next Thursday! #weightwatchers #weig
I need this taped to my forehead O__O
My legs feel like pinhead personally tore the muscles to pieces I did curls with the kettle bell, we did sit-ups where we handed the 10lb ball to each other, then threw it back and forth till I couldn't throw, we used the 20lb medicine ball last night
Hey look! It's me ^___^ exactly what I had to do tonight, kept thinking,"no one ever regretted working out." #fitspo
"Ed take a picture of me! I feel like an animal!!" I didn't want to work out at all tonight, it took about 12 min till I started feelin it. I tracked today and I didn't go over my points too! #fitspo #weightwatchers
Wheeeew! I didn't know if I'd get to 1k at first cuz my knee was being a dick so I had to get off the treadmill after 7 minutes :/ spent most of the time on the bike added some hula hoop,more planks, squats and some rowing ^___^ #fitspo
Woo hoo! I didn't complete the time but I did get 3 sessions in and went above my burned calorie goal ^___^ #fitspo
Blerg. Ive felt yucky since earlier tonight when I pulled some cod put of the oven and it smelled like ammonia so bad ick! At least I did something but I wish it was more. #fitspo
Fucking woooooo!! #fitspo
I pushed myself so hard, never stopped moving! Jogging intervals, bike,squats. We got a medicine ball today, threw it back and forth hard for quite awhile, Ed's last throw knocked me back to the door ^___^ Avg. HR 165 #weightwatchers #fitspo
Holy shit, Ed snapped this once I plopped on the couch. 30 min of intervals: bike, jumping jacks, kettle bell,squats. Then 10min of rowing(1850m), hit the bike 1 more time for 5min fast as I could nonstop...buuuurn #weightwatchers #fitspo
20 min on the bike,10 on the rower - will repeat tonight. #weightwatchers #thebiggestloser
I did it! Check out blurry Moxie and creeper Cricket
I've been slacking on #c25k because its freezing in the garage, maybe this will work!?
Rocking thee fuck outa this shirt! #bindingofisaac #cactusjack
Rocking out with my...polar out!
The shirt that tricks people into thinking I like sports for a split second ^_^
Guppy has been such a love today, he wants to get fit like his dad :3
Eyes are still puffy but at least im back in my dojo :3 we need some sweet backlight posters! #kennypowers