Danielleorama: Fanime Con 2007
Danielleorama: Me and half naked cowboy-man
Danielleorama: Night Elf!!1
Danielleorama: 1 of many gothic lolitas
Danielleorama: SSBM pit and Marth
Danielleorama: SSMB mario&link
Danielleorama: Naruto?
Danielleorama: Goofy! sweet.
Danielleorama: Teenage girls in white underwear.
Danielleorama: Silent Hill guy
Danielleorama: Ed with GhostBuster
Danielleorama: GhostBuster!
Danielleorama: sure why not.
Danielleorama: Just an idea of the absurd scantily clad girls we saw.
Danielleorama: fox girls?
Danielleorama: Calico cat man earlier in the day
Danielleorama: Dunno what's happening here, but she was cute.
Danielleorama: not sure what Bruce was explaining.
Danielleorama: In search of food.
Danielleorama: Cinebar
Danielleorama: There were 50 credits on the Jukebox
Danielleorama: me,bridget,sarah
Danielleorama: Playin for real