Danielleorama: *yawn* the first face I tried carving wasn't as unsalvageable as I thought so I decided to just have fun with it. Will share a pic when I wake up ^___^
Danielleorama: Another photo, she was a simply chocolate that I had given to my niece but repo'd once I saw that she broke the eyes and then the novelty was lost *sigh* #blythe
Danielleorama: Here is my first completed carved face
Danielleorama: I think it's pretty cool that Ed doesn't care if I walk around with a #blythe but he is against me wearing my sphynx face shirt out XD
Danielleorama: ^___^ #blythe
Danielleorama: My very best dress yet! #blythe #sewingforblythe
Danielleorama: Comfy #middieblythe
Danielleorama: Very pleased with how this dress came out as far as the evenness and fit, I still get confused about the overlap in the back, if was kinda bunchy so I put the snap on the bodice(not before sewing if on backwards first) gonna add some embellishments ^___^
Danielleorama: Some cute fat quarters and new tools ^___^
Danielleorama: Look how cute the little stand is!
Danielleorama: I love #middieblythe ! you can cock her lil head to the side, and she has 1 set of eyes that go back and forth on a dial that's where a pull trying would normally be.
Danielleorama: Dress #3 and #4
Danielleorama: Ok dress #2: corduroy top, tie at the waist, trim, and buttons! #blythe
Danielleorama: I made a dress! Waist is too high but...onward and upward! #blythe
Danielleorama: A text asking my mom if she could airbrush a faceplate for me ^___^ #blythecustom
Danielleorama: @mypapercrane I managed to pick the right colors for pony hair ^____^ #blythecustom
Danielleorama: Even @mossmouth likes photographing #Blythe *beams* :D
Danielleorama: Brennan
Danielleorama: 1st blythe dress, closeup
Danielleorama: 1st blythe dress
Danielleorama: PJ & Gwen
Danielleorama: PJ & Gwen
Danielleorama: Gwen came today!
Danielleorama: 1st attempt at making a t-shirt!
Danielleorama: PJ - dreads
Danielleorama: PJ - Harvey West Park
Danielleorama: PJ - Harvey West Park
Danielleorama: PJ - Harvey West Park
Danielleorama: PJ - Harvey West Park
Danielleorama: PJ - Harvey West Park