danieljpagan: Phil Fontaine receiving his honorary degree
danieljpagan: Graduation Ceremony up close.
danieljpagan: Looking over all these people
danieljpagan: Look at all these students waiting for their degrees.
danieljpagan: Graduation madness
danieljpagan: Having fun.
danieljpagan: A help wanted sign on the U of C sign
danieljpagan: The U of C Presidential Office now have a new opening.
danieljpagan: You sink my destroyer!
danieljpagan: Checkmate? Wrong game.
danieljpagan: A train coming up into the Brentwood Station
danieljpagan: Brentwood
danieljpagan: Chad Saunders showing off his CJSW shirt.
danieljpagan: One of the counter–protesters
danieljpagan: Welcome sign
danieljpagan: A Calgary Sun photographer taking photos of a Pro–Life guy
danieljpagan: Filming the counter–protest
danieljpagan: A collision.
danieljpagan: Watch out.
danieljpagan: Why a cup is important.
danieljpagan: Getting the ball into the basket.
danieljpagan: A giant brought down to its knees
danieljpagan: Passionful fans
danieljpagan: MBF and his flowers.
danieljpagan: Oh MBF and his hair (reminds me of Elvis)?
danieljpagan: Now let's all sit and sing together
danieljpagan: That's a small guitar ever.
danieljpagan: Look at all these pretty orange lights.
danieljpagan: Why is he so blue?
danieljpagan: Pretty stage lights