danielgahres: Haus Reichl B&B Welcome
danielgahres: Salzburg sunset from the B&B balcony
danielgahres: Rachelle at the well antlered Gasthaus zum Wilden Mann
danielgahres: Special board at the well antlered Gasthaus zum Wilden Mann
danielgahres: looking SW across the Salzach River on the Marktsteg
danielgahres: looking SE across the Salzach River on the Marktsteg
danielgahres: Saiten Sprung
danielgahres: Saiten Sprung
danielgahres: Stiegl & Käsekrainer
danielgahres: Käsekrainer-"Hot-Dog" & Stiegl
danielgahres: Austrian Silhouette
danielgahres: Austrian dawn from the B&B balcony
danielgahres: Haus Reichl B&B
danielgahres: The hills have shaken off the fog & feeling a little more alive
danielgahres: Hohensalzburg Fortress
danielgahres: Mozartsteg
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral
danielgahres: Statue of Mary
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral devastation
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral interior arch
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral interior arch detail
danielgahres: Salzburg Catherdral
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral dome
danielgahres: Salzburg Cathedral dome detail
danielgahres: Man on a golden ball
danielgahres: Graves at St Peter's Cemetary
danielgahres: St Peter's Cemetery and Catacombs in the cliff wall
danielgahres: St Peter's Cemetery and Catacombs in the cliff wall
danielgahres: St Peter's Church interior