Daniele Bugamelli: Bestiary and ice cream
Daniele Bugamelli: Close the gate and fuck!
Daniele Bugamelli: Metropolis
Daniele Bugamelli: The last ride .. BANG .. up the stairs, and fly away
Daniele Bugamelli: RAGGED, the map of forbidden desires
Daniele Bugamelli: Casual-vegetal-post-electrical-formation
Daniele Bugamelli: Sedimentation, the idea is elsewhere
Daniele Bugamelli: Bee-texture
Daniele Bugamelli: Ich fahre Volks
Daniele Bugamelli: A sort of typology of human race of shit: 3. Rocks
Daniele Bugamelli: A sort of typology of human race of shit: 2. Dried Plants
Daniele Bugamelli: A sort of typology of human race of shit: 1. Fat, ugly and hypocritical
Daniele Bugamelli: ROL and the Whale
Daniele Bugamelli: Sound new speeches and night numb radiations tan.
Daniele Bugamelli: 5-A/5-B ..The Peep Show is over, now i clean.