Daniel Cumisky: The whistler
Daniel Cumisky: A stab in the back never kept anyone back.
Daniel Cumisky: The Secret Tailor
Daniel Cumisky: Where's Wally, the Jurassic Period. Aka, (Stig of the dump.)
Daniel Cumisky: Drunken crap
Daniel Cumisky: Two faced
Daniel Cumisky: He's a bad egg that one.
Daniel Cumisky: The Page Master
Daniel Cumisky: Alcoholic's Remorse
Daniel Cumisky: Bow Down To Me Peasant
Daniel Cumisky: And now for something totally different.
Daniel Cumisky: See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil.
Daniel Cumisky: The Giant's Causeway
Daniel Cumisky: Man Flu Blues
Daniel Cumisky: Apocalypse Now
Daniel Cumisky: Happy Saint Paddy's day
Daniel Cumisky: Just before the staking
Daniel Cumisky: Buried Helmet
Daniel Cumisky: Do Not Disturb
Daniel Cumisky: Just Chillaxing, In a Mustard Gas factory, It's How I Roll'
Daniel Cumisky: 'Dustan Of Deceangli'
Daniel Cumisky: Dormant Mine
Daniel Cumisky: Couldn't be bothered to day but i'm not quitting so i'm uploading anyway even if it is a bit crap, and I'm afraid I couldn't think of a title so this will have to suffice
Daniel Cumisky: Out Of Body
Daniel Cumisky: A post breakfast pre work sunbath
Daniel Cumisky: Fade Away
Daniel Cumisky: Two Left Feet
Daniel Cumisky: The light
Daniel Cumisky: Bobbing for Beer