Daniel Bowen: Myki only on trams from 29th December 2012
Daniel Bowen: Pedestrian priority
Daniel Bowen: Those 3 brand new #Myki gates at Flinders St? 1 out of service this peak hour.
Daniel Bowen: Endangered species
Daniel Bowen: Metro mobile advertising: prioritising passengers
Daniel Bowen: Oh really? "Metcard sold here"?
Daniel Bowen: Oh look, it's @AhronYoung out and about
Daniel Bowen: Lies. My train cancelled, as have been many others.
Daniel Bowen: Bus/tram recognition advertising FAIL
Daniel Bowen: Ok, who broke it?
Daniel Bowen: Ok, who broke it? http://flic.kr/p/dvC7bF #metrotrains ...and why does the PTV/Metlink app claim all is well?
Daniel Bowen: Wait, are these guys on the cover of MX part of the #DumbWaysToDie campaign?
Daniel Bowen: 8:38 at Caulfield. Just the weather, or is there also an eclipse in progress?
Daniel Bowen: City of Melbourne engineer FAIL
Daniel Bowen: Missing: one city building. Last seen above Sussan in Bourke St. #Melbourne
Daniel Bowen: "No ticket sales on trams from 29th December"
Daniel Bowen: Platform sign says Flinders St, sign on train says Southern Cross. I'm guessing the latter is correct?
Daniel Bowen: Train ride home seemed more orange and sticky than usual
Daniel Bowen: iTrain
Daniel Bowen: It's @andrew_lund hard at work, bringing tonight's chaos to you at home.
Daniel Bowen: Mer Chri!
Daniel Bowen: I am on the train home, reading a book loaned to me called "Railway Safety - Rolling Stock: Crash, Derail, Burn"
Daniel Bowen: #DumbWaysToDrive
Daniel Bowen: Good use of a Metcard...
Daniel Bowen: I'm thinking Skybuses need to be longer. Perhaps that'd be easier if it ran on rails.
Daniel Bowen: Sydney 1, Melbourne nil.
Daniel Bowen: If @nearmap isn't interested in personal users, maybe we have to crowdsource it. Here's my first contribution
Daniel Bowen: Welcome to Southern Cross Station, the gateway to the #metrotrains network for visitors. Now, where is Lynbrook on the map?
Daniel Bowen: No wonder some people are confused about the difference between blue #Myki Checks and yellow Myki Readers
Daniel Bowen: Favourite things from Carols In The Park at Bentleigh today: the Mexican food stall and Tubby The Robot