Daniel Andre: Arthur
Daniel Andre: Damaris
Daniel Andre: Arthur
Daniel Andre: Bookshop
Daniel Andre: Arthur
Daniel Andre: Arthur 3
Daniel Andre: Arthur 2
Daniel Andre: Arthur
Daniel Andre: Free
Daniel Andre: ...her
Daniel Andre: Lost Tree
Daniel Andre: Barquinhos
Daniel Andre: people - toycamera
Daniel Andre: Little
Daniel Andre: Frescobol
Daniel Andre: Lamp
Daniel Andre: Father
Daniel Andre: Bisquit
Daniel Andre: World Cup 2006 - Germany
Daniel Andre: Hommage to the naked cellphone user
Daniel Andre: God - Toycamera
Daniel Andre: Cityscape - toycamera
Daniel Andre: Feeling the music
Daniel Andre: Fast and slow
Daniel Andre: Parking lot - no place to sleep
Daniel Andre: Silent man
Daniel Andre: Where I work... 1