Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Na areia ela se diverte
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Sitting, waiting, wishing, fishing
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Playing in the sand
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Sob a supervisão de adultos
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Looking at the waves
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Brincando na areia
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Meu pé querido pé
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Hello Kitty Enthusiastic
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Água à vista
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Good Morning Vietnam
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Surf na ressaca. Stormy ocean
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Água mole. Pedra dura.
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: Another day. Another Sunrise.
Daniel "Jeremias" Coelho: I wear my sunglasses at day not at night.