Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: ESTANCIA JESUITICA SANTA CATALINA
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: VENECIA - Basílica de Santa María della Salute "The Perfect Photographer"
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: TULUMBA - IGLESIA SIGLO XVIIII
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: VENECIA - Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: MILAN - SOFFITTO DELLA CATEDRALE
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: VENECIA - Chiesa di San Micaela en Isola
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: BRUSELAS - Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula - VITRAUX
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: VENECIA - Basílica de Santa María della Salute
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: MILAN DUE TORRE DELLA CATEDRALE
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de París ( Sacre Coeur ) “NikonflickrAward”
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: CIUDAD DE PANAMA - Iglesia San Francisco de Asís
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: CAPILLA DE TEGUA 1696 - TORRE
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: BRUSELAS - Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula - ORGANE
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: CAPILLA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN - FALDA DEL CARMEN
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: SIENA - Duomo di Siena - TORRE
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: VENEZIA - BASÍLICA DE SAN MARCO
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: CATAMARCA - EL PUESTO - Capilla Virgen del Rosario de Andacollo
Daniel´s Pictures - Fine Art of Photography: MADRID - CATEDRAL DEL PALACIO REAL - ORGANO