Cheng Tang: IMG_8238
Marser: the path of bamboo, revisited #29 (near Tenryuu-ji temple, Kyoto)
lawatt: it's hard not to keep taking this photograph, even though I have many times before already...
Marser: the path of bamboo, revisited #23 (near Tenryuu-ji temple, Kyoto)
cathycracks: The grand mosque.
Eugenehui: 一些免費便當(還有風景)的時刻
Marser: tea ceremony in the cold (Housen-in temple, Kyoto)
borealnz: Summer roses
mboogiedown: H A N A M I : Thomas Jefferson Memorial
台灣影像圖庫,莊信賢影像世界: L22993,阿里山,阿里山花季,阿里山國家風景區,嘉義縣,阿里山鄉,吉野櫻,櫻花,櫻花鐵道,蒸汽火車,蒸氣火車,檜木車廂#
conago1: 春天就是要吃草莓
Hughes Chen: IMG_3443
Phil Walker Photo: Hiking the wall
conago1: 檸檬
Osvaldo_Zoom: !! Kid on the ground !!
striatic: macro video