redfelinedaniel: Laser beams... Laser... Laser... Laser... Yay!
redfelinedaniel: Laser cutter optics (top view)
redfelinedaniel: Laser cutter optics (side view)
redfelinedaniel: K40 stock controller board (no PWM)
redfelinedaniel: Exit wounds...
redfelinedaniel: It lives! My first cuts with a laser...
redfelinedaniel: 96boards_ce_top.svg
redfelinedaniel: Engraved top board with a cut-out for the 96Boards-uart mezzanine.
redfelinedaniel: iot96_carbon-art.svg
redfelinedaniel: Laser cut acrylic case for 96Boards IoT edition
redfelinedaniel: An alternative bed for my K40! It's an anti-splater guard for a frying pan and came from my local pound shop (or, for an international audience my local $1.20 shop). For some basic testing I just taped it to the underside of the existing bed!
redfelinedaniel: Interlock mod for a K40 laser cutter
redfelinedaniel: A microswitch with M2.5 mounting holes!
redfelinedaniel: Overriding a single interlock switch
redfelinedaniel: Preventing one-handed testing of the laser
redfelinedaniel: Class 4 lasers... Safety first!
redfelinedaniel: Just add frickin' laser beams...