Daniel Mouton: Philadelphia
Daniel Mouton: Konak Tower in Izmir
Daniel Mouton: Surroundings of antioch in Psidia
Daniel Mouton: Antioch in Psidia, Yalvac
Daniel Mouton: Ancient church at Nicea, Iznik
Daniel Mouton: Ancient church at Nicea, Iznik
Daniel Mouton: Only remains of Summer Palace of Constantine the Great
Daniel Mouton: Thyatira
Daniel Mouton: AlexandriaTroas
Daniel Mouton: Hierapolis Roman Theatre
Daniel Mouton: Colossae
Daniel Mouton: Laodicea, remains of Roman Theatre
Daniel Mouton: Laodicea, remains of a church
Daniel Mouton: Sardis: Temple of Artemis with Christian church in foreground
Daniel Mouton: Sardis, Modern Town
Daniel Mouton: Red Basilica, Pergamum
Daniel Mouton: Bergama - Pergamum
Daniel Mouton: Altar for Zeus, Pergamum
Daniel Mouton: Temple at Pergamum
Daniel Mouton: Resting soldier
Daniel Mouton: Remains of the Temple of Artemis
Daniel Mouton: Statue of Artemis
Daniel Mouton: Church of St John, Selcuk
Daniel Mouton: Church of St John, Selcuk
Daniel Mouton: Scene of third ecumenical council, Ephesus
Daniel Mouton: Friends at the public toilets, Ephesus
Daniel Mouton: Old Roman Theatre, Ephesus
Daniel Mouton: Library of Celsus, Ephesus
Daniel Mouton: Ararat Mountains
Daniel Mouton: Mount Ararat