DanHartfordPhoto: Canyon de Chelley and Canyon del Muerto
DanHartfordPhoto: Chinle Wash from Antelope House Overlook
DanHartfordPhoto: Antelope House from North Rim Drive
DanHartfordPhoto: Mummy Cave ruin
DanHartfordPhoto: Pictographs, Chinley Wash
DanHartfordPhoto: Desert varnish in form of woman
DanHartfordPhoto: White House Ruins.
DanHartfordPhoto: Sandstone Knobs
DanHartfordPhoto: Tower in Canyon del Meurto
DanHartfordPhoto: Antelope house
DanHartfordPhoto: Hubble Trading Post wagon wheel lkighting fixture
DanHartfordPhoto: Huble Trading Post
DanHartfordPhoto: Spider Rock, Canyone de Chelley
DanHartfordPhoto: Navajo Hogan, Canyon de Chelley
DanHartfordPhoto: Navajo Hogan, Canyon de Chelley Exterior
DanHartfordPhoto: Young Navajo girl
DanHartfordPhoto: Anasazi Petroglyphs
DanHartfordPhoto: Anasazi Ptegroglyph
DanHartfordPhoto: Balancing Boulder, Canyon DeChelly
DanHartfordPhoto: Mother Earth Hair. Chinle Wash
DanHartfordPhoto: Pictographs 1, Canyon de Chelley
DanHartfordPhoto: Pictograph of Navajo hunters chasing antelope
DanHartfordPhoto: twin towers, Chinle Wash