dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: JJ with my sign
dangercreative: Bitch Cakes with her sign
dangercreative: JJ welcomes Bitch Cakes to the corner of Greenpoint & McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: Josue waiting for the G
dangercreative: Mike, Meredith & Joe waiting for the G
dangercreative: marathon poster in the Greenpoint subway station
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: that yellow smudge is Jordana!
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: runners turning onto McGuinness
dangercreative: cheering for Jordana & Davida on Central Park South
dangercreative: Jordana & Davida run up (that's them in the lower right corner)
dangercreative: runners on CPS
dangercreative: runners on CPS
dangercreative: runners on CPS
dangercreative: runners on CPS
dangercreative: Jordana & Davida appear on the horizon in the Bronx
dangercreative: runners in the Bronx
dangercreative: runners in the Bronx
dangercreative: stop 2: the Bronx
dangercreative: welcome to the Bronx!
dangercreative: Jordana & Davida's fan club on CPS