Fogel's Focus: Do Not Back In (Leica M4-P + Summitar 50mm f2 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: Just Two (Leica M4-P + Summitar 50mm f2 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: Wilmette Theater (Leica M4-P + Summitar 50mm f2)
Fogel's Focus: Window fun (Leica M4-P + Summitar 50mm f2 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: ETTEMLIW RETAEHT (Leica M4-P + Summitar test shots)
Fogel's Focus: From Chicago -->
Fogel's Focus: Tickets Please (Leica M4-P + Summitar 50mm f2 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: There's a new kid in town (Leica M4-P)
Fogel's Focus: Emerging from Below
Fogel's Focus: Street Scene -- Chicago (Leica 50mm f2 Summicron Rigid)
Fogel's Focus: Corner Mail Box (Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM Test Shot)
Fogel's Focus: Tickets Please (Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM test)
Fogel's Focus: No Trespassing (Canon 50mm f1.4 ltm test shots)
Fogel's Focus: sure Island (Canon 50mm f1.4 ltm test shots)
Fogel's Focus: Theater Comparison (Canon 50mm f1.4 ltm test shots)
Fogel's Focus: Heads and Tails (Jupiter-8 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: The Man With The Pants (Jupiter-8 test shots)
Fogel's Focus: Counter Culture (Gaslight Coffee Roasters)
Fogel's Focus: Gaslight Coffee Roasters Chicago
Fogel's Focus: La Marzocco (Gaslight Coffee Roasters)
Fogel's Focus: On Line for Coffee
Fogel's Focus: The Smell of Coffee Fills The Air
Fogel's Focus: Love for the Driver
Fogel's Focus: M-F 8AM-6PM
Fogel's Focus: Priced to Sell
Fogel's Focus: Universal Earbuds
Fogel's Focus: The Brothers - 9 February 2013
Fogel's Focus: Killing Time
Fogel's Focus: Dribble Drive
Fogel's Focus: Inbounds Pass