dane brian:
dane brian:
hoist in place ready to go
dane brian:
hoist in place ready to go...
dane brian:
dane brian:
dane brian:
framing finished May 16
dane brian:
bringing wood up with hoist
dane brian:
...brought some wood up to roof... north 1/2 of roof deck
dane brian:
...brought some wood up to roof... south half of roof deck
dane brian:
east view of skyline around 7pmish May 16
dane brian:
view of skyline around 7pmish May 16
dane brian:
video of hoisting wood 40' to roof
dane brian:
south half of the deck area...
dane brian:
dane brian:
dane brian:
dane brian:
014 ...after the camera went bad
dane brian:
wood coming down the alley
dane brian:
forking the wood off the truck
dane brian:
your friendly neighborhood forklift driver
dane brian:
forking the wood off the truck
dane brian:
forking it off the truck
dane brian:
getting the neighborhood builder involved...
dane brian:
our cedar from builddirect.com
dane brian:
1/2 the deck... nearly finished.. need to stain too yet
dane brian:
dane brian:
western red cedar deck - pre-staining
dane brian:
deck progress
dane brian:
deck progress
dane brian:
deck progress