dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 025
dane brian: Matilda - March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 026
dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 027
dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 028
dane brian: March 30 - Matilda fearing the hair dryer
dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 030
dane brian: well this is just bizarre.
dane brian: March 30 - Charlotte REALLLLY not happy, trying to escape the shower
dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 033
dane brian: March 30 - charlotte
dane brian: March 30 - Charlotte- not happy
dane brian: March 30 - charlotte all wet, really ticked
dane brian: March 30 - Giving the cats a shower - 037
dane brian: March 30 - charlotte meet hair dryer
dane brian: March 30 - Brian