Jackie & Dennis: On way up to Great Crag
Jackie & Dennis: On the way up Great Crag
Jackie & Dennis: Willygrass Gill
Jackie & Dennis: Great Crag - Wainwright 153
Jackie & Dennis: Watendlath
Jackie & Dennis: Grange Fell - Wainwright 154
Jackie & Dennis: King's Howe
Jackie & Dennis: Looking towards Skiddaw
Jackie & Dennis: Castle Crag - Wainwright 155
Jackie & Dennis: 39. Environmental trash
Jackie & Dennis: In trouble again
Jackie & Dennis: Looking towards Base Brown
Jackie & Dennis: Sourmilk Ghyll
Jackie & Dennis: On the way up
Jackie & Dennis: Looking up the valley
Jackie & Dennis: Sourmilk Ghyll
Jackie & Dennis: Heading up to Base Brown
Jackie & Dennis: On the way up...
Jackie & Dennis: Caesar waits at the col
Jackie & Dennis: Base Brown - Wainwright 156
Jackie & Dennis: Descending Base Brown
Jackie & Dennis: On Base Brown
Jackie & Dennis: It is cold work making a snow angel
Jackie & Dennis: Wainwright 157 - Green Gable
Jackie & Dennis: Group shot on Green Gable
Jackie & Dennis: Pam on Green Gable
Jackie & Dennis: Between Green Gable and Brandreth
Jackie & Dennis: Two Pam's
Jackie & Dennis: Caesar enjoys being first of the group to the summit...
Jackie & Dennis: Brandreft - Wainwright 158